Jack Wheeler

My name is Jack Wheeler. I'm a programmer/web developer living just outside of Ottawa. The work I do focuses on producing consistent, high quality projects for clients.

Portrait picture of me


Here's some of the larger projects and websites I've worked on.


The easiest to use site auditing solution out there. From broken links to site structure, get advice with the click of a button!

Some technologies that I used were:



A collaborative document sharing platform for organizations. Uses a permissions based model for updating organization info, inviting users, and uploading images.

Some technologies that I used were:

  • Astro for the backend and rendering
  • Solid JS for complex interaction
  • S3 for document storage and delivery
  • Vercel for cloud hosting
  • MySQL
  • TypeScript
  • HTMX

Russell and District Horticultural Society

A new, easy to use site for a local horticultural organization. Utilized a CMS to deliver a much improved authorship experience and to allow for consistent modeling of content across the site.

Some technologies that I used were:

  • Payload CMS for content authorship
  • Astro for the backend and rendering
  • Vercel for cloud hosting
  • MongoDB
  • TypeScript

Visit Kingston Events

I developed a new site to host events happening in Kingston. The site offers a filterable list of upcoming events in both English and French. It supports users entering new events, including complex repeat rules and other pieces of validation.

Some technologies that I used were:

  • Craft CMS for content authorship
  • Twig for templating and reusable components
  • HTMX and Sprig for light-weight interactivity


I'm always getting into different interesting topics. Below are some demos and articles about some of those.